Cancellation & Refunds

If you decide to cancel your order, you must notify Dastak Food App immediately, preferably by phone, and quote your order number. If the cancellation was made on time and accepted by the Restaurant, you will be refunded the order value along with the delivery charge, if any.

You have the right to reject the delivery of the wrong item/order and you shall be fully refunded for the missing item/order.

In case of a partial order delivery (as some items may not be available), Dastak Food App shall inform you or propose a replacement for missing items. You have the right to refuse a partial order before delivery and get a refund.

Dastak Food App will not facilitate replacements/ refunds/ or any other resolution without Restaurant’s permission.

If you have already been billed, full or partial refunds will be issued by Dastak Food App, as deemed appropriate and determined solely by Dastak Food App. Any refund will either be made:

  1. if you paid by credit/debit card or Easypaisa we will Refund your amount to your Dastak Wallet.

Aside from the above listed, any cancellation of an order shall amount to a breach of User’s unconditional and irrevocable authorization in favor of Dastak Food App to place the order against the Restaurant on User’s behalf. In such
event, the User shall be liable to pay an amount equivalent to the order value. User hereby authorizes Dastak Food App to deduct or collect the amount payable through such means as Dastak Food App may determine in its discretion, including without limitation, by deducting such amount from the payment made towards User’s next order.


  1. Users can maintain amount in the Dastak wallet User Account. amount can only be loaded in the Dastak wallet User Account in the following ways:

(i) from refunds that might arise due to cancellations and returns of your online transactions on the Dastak Food App;

(ii)through online top-ups via debit card / credit card and Easypaisa.

  1. The balance in the Dastak wallet User Account cannot exceed PKR 10,000 at any point of time. You will not be able to receive refunds and make online top-ups to your Dastak wallet User Account if this will cause the balance to exceed PKR 10,000.
  2. If you choose to utilise the balance in your Dastak wallet User Account for an order and the value of the order is less than the balance in your Dastak wallet User Account, Dastak App will only deduct the value of the order from the balance in the Dastak wallet User Account. Any remaining balance in your Dastak wallet User Account may be used on subsequent orders.